Extended Work Bench
Any type of development process and project model can be used with extended Workbench models. They are especially helpful in situations when it is simple to assign someone to work on discrete, one-off activities with reasonably short deadlines since they are few dependencies on other projects.
The term “Extended Workbench” refers to the resources we offer for your project.
This may be relevant to developers, project managers, quality assurance specialists, software architects and designers, or consultants.
Benefits for Business of Extended Work Bench
You manage the project in accordance with your standards and procedures, and our resources will adjust accordingly—you don't need to alter how you typically operate.
We can create solutions specifically for your project, ensuring that you receive the appropriate personnel for the job at the right time.
Integrated healthcare is fundamental to improving the quality of care and treatment outcomes. Our IoT-driven applications target a wide range of healthcare concerns. They provide an efficient means for patient monitoring, fitness tracking, disease prevention, as well as patient-centric care. 1. Remote health monitoring 2. Automated data flow from device to analytics 3. Medical diagnosis with image recognition 4. Wearables for fitness tracking